Robert Oscar Brock

Robert Oscar Brock was born December 31, 1908.

In 1930 Robert O. Brock married Evelyn Guthrie at Inglewood Baptist Church in Nashville, TN.

Robert O. and Evelyn have 3 children;
Bob Brock born 1933
Carey Brock born 1939
Camille Brock born 1947.

Evelyn passed away in 1990 at the age of 79.
Robert O. will be celebrating his 94th Birthday in December.

Robert O. Brock has 9 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. He is known by all grandchildren and great-grandchildren as "Popaw" or "Pop".

Various Photos

Robert O. on right age 4 with his nephew James age 5 on left

93rd Birthday Celebration

Brock Family Children