Family History

The Brock Family Reunion was started by our mothers, fathers, grandmothers or grandfathers, great-grandmothers or great-grandfathers, and great-great grandmothers or great-great grandfathers in 1936.

They had in mind a time every year set aside to get together and enjoy each others company. As children we were made to go to these reunions and partake in great food, games, cheek squeezing and the " I remember when you were..." and " oh look how you have grown". These reunions have been an important part of all of our lives, a memory etched in all of our minds of what family really means.

Now as we are all growing up having children, grand-children, and great grand children of our own it is equally important to keep up the tradition of the "Brock Family Reunion". Many of our family members are no longer with us I believe we owe it to them to make sure their legacy continues on. Long live the Brock Family....

The Brock Family Tree

Malissa Wall Brock married George Anderson Brock their children are as follows:

Due to the extensive research required to find family members there may be some information that is not listed here. This is where you can help out. If you have any names or dates to add to the tree listing or if there are any names and dates that are incorrect please email me and I will get them corrected as soon as possible

Click here for the family tree of George Anderson and Malissa Wall.

Brock Family Children