Brock Family Scholarship

On the date of May 15, 1999, a previously formed committee met with the intention of establishing a scholarship. This educational scholarship was established to benefit the descendants of George Anderson and Malissa Wall Brock. The expected recipients of the Brock Family Scholarship are at least three generations below George and Malissa Wall Brock, and the family estimates that currently there are approximately 100 possible candidates (this number will continue to grow, therefore the scholarships longevity has the possibility to benefit a countless number of people). The family agrees that there will be no discrimination based on sex, age, race, or religious preference. Priority for selection will be given to candidates who are (legal and blood) descendants of George and Malissa Brock, although the goal will be the distribution of a minimum annual $500 scholarship to the applicant who displays financial need and academic potential. Financial need will carry the most weight in selection preference.

The committee of non-paid personnel will meet in May of the year prior to the award to determine the most eligible candidate. The scholarship will be funded by the family which estimates over 300 prospective donors. Since the scholarship will be awarded primarily based on need, it is not expected that families of prospective candidates will be contributors. It is felt that this should alleviate the questions concerning self and immediate gain of tax-exempt donations.

Percentages of the committee's time for each activity: Establishment of the scholarship, tax-exempt status, EIN, etc. (initially 100%) Presentation of the scholarship to prospective donors and applicants. 65% Research to validate applicant's application.

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Brock Family Children